At DNA Hat Company, we believe in the power of Going Beyond The Brand and giving back to support those who have sacrificed so much for our country. That's why we are proud to partner with Boot Campaign, a nonprofit organization dedicated to honoring and restoring the lives of veterans and military families. We want to invite you to click on any programs they offer below to read and watch the videos to learn more about Boot Campaign!

As a veteran who has been through their program myself, I have personally experienced the life-changing impact of Boot Campaign's programs. Their holistic approach to supporting the mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing of those who have served is truly remarkable. Boot Campaign was established in 2009 with a simple yet powerful mission: to give back to those who serve(d). Over the years, this mission has grown, fueled by patriotic supporters nationwide who remain committed to standing in support and solidarity for veterans and military families.

Through a variety of specialized programs, Boot Campaign provides personalized care to address the unique needs of each veteran they serve. Their Health & Wellness program treats the physical and emotional wounds of war, including traumatic brain injury, PTSD, insomnia, and chronic pain. The Seasons of Service program delivers curated gifts to military families facing financial hardships or medical challenges. The Lace Up, America initiative encourages all Americans to show their gratitude by putting on a pair of combat boots. And the You Matter program works to shatter the stigma surrounding mental health care, especially in the veteran community, and curb the rising rate of veteran suicide.

By partnering with Boot Campaign, DNA Hat Company is honored to play a small role in supporting their life-improving mission. With every hat purchase, there will not only be a DNA Hat Company patch but there will also be a You Matter Brand patch and a You Matter Patch shown below, allowing us to collectively make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom. People WILL ask about the patch, and you might have an opportunity to possibly change someone's life when telling them about Boot Campaign!

Together, we can stand in support and solidarity for our nation's heroes. Because at the end of the day, their lives, sacrifices, and service truly do matter.